Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let The Dominoes Fall.

**Begin Transmission**


Start of the NHL season is today!! Fuck man….took way to long it feels like!! I’m excited for this season and all the change is for the better I think!!

I’m still plugging away at school. Ordered a new book to learn from, one of my teachers recommended it to me. Challenging but anything that’s worth something in life is challenging to obtain.

Work is work…still slow.

Moving again….soon I think. My options are as follows.

1. Nick and Nicole’s
2. A cottage my mom’s friend is renting in Berkeley (I want this one).
3. Stay at my apt.

All of these options are going to be paid for by financial aid and THANK god for that.

I’ve been really lonely lately. Don’t know why…I attribute it to the new moon and changing of the season. That’s what I think but alas….HARDEN THE FUCK UP MORALES!!

My friend Mew had her baby!! I’m very excited and happy for her. I guess there were some complications. Scared me to death truth be told. Mew’s been trough a lot in the 7 years I’ve know her and she deserves good things!! I just talked we her and things sound like they are getting better. I’m very glad to hear this.

I noticed I’m overly distant with a lot of my friends and people I love. Sadly that I feel has had a negative effect on those relationships. I will now work very hard to change and rectify them. Sometimes getting lost in my own head isn’t a good thing.

Back to crunch time.

Stay safe.


**End Transmission**